In the year 1903, James Wickersham was the first to attempt to climb Mount McKinley for the via the Peters Glacier and The North Face, Until 1963 the route on Mount McKinley has been drastically dangerous to all who attempted to climb before 1963 Parker Browne expedition nearly reached the summit, turning back within just a few hundred yards of it due to harsh weather in 1912. June 7, 1913 The first ascent of the main summit of McKinley. Mount McKinley is climbed today on a regular base of climbers.
Chris McCandless
Christopher Johnson McCandless
February 12, 1968 - July, 1992
Jon Krakauer made Chris famous from publishing a book called Into The Wild, in the year 1996.
In 2007 Sean Penn directed a film with Emile Hirsch and the documentary was done by Ron Lamothe. All in the end they made a movie, The Call Of The Wild.
In the trailer of the movie "Into The Wild" It starts off with Chris wanting things in his life his way & that he will pursue with what he desires most is to go to Alaska to climb Mount McKinley. Christopher McCandless was searching for himself in life. "Not be be strong but to feel strong, to measure yourself at least once." Traveled everywhere to get where he wants to be. Lived on nothing and then worked his way to make it where he wanted to be.
Opinion: Looks like a great movie about a true story and something I hope we could watch in class sometime to get the full grasp of how it is to really want something and how you have to push yourself to the limit to make it where you want in life.
Jon Krakauer
Born April 12, 1954.
Known as an American writer and mountaineer. Jon had done a lot of writing about his outdoor adventures and the journey's he came across to make his journey into a story for all who wanted to know of the experiences he had made for himself at one point. 1977 Jon spent three weeks by himself in Alaska to climb a new route on the Devils Thumb.
Jon's most known climb was climbing Mount Everest,also known to some as the 1996 Everest Disaster. By the end of their climbing season they had already lost fifteen people that were also trying to reach the summit. In this year it was the most deadliest in Everest history.After collage Jon donated all of the money that he had in his possession to charity and renamed himself "Alexander Supertramp".
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